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Association Articles

Here are some articles for your review and use.
Please mail one copy of your publication to:
Richard A Melancon, APAC
P.O. Box 8426
Metairie, LA 70011-8426

Guidelines for Using Richard A. Melancon's Articles

  1. Permission to reprint articles by Richard A Melancon, APAC at no charge, is granted with the agreement that:
  • You will include the author’s bio following each article used.
  • One copy of the publication in which the article is published will be provided to Richard A Melancon, APAC, at [email protected].
  • A $300 fee per article is expected for articles published without the closing bio and contact information.
  1. Permission is also granted for reasonable:
  • Editing content and industry-specific example exchange.
  • Length.
  • Article title change.
  1. Electronic publishing of articles must include a live, clickable link to https://www.ramcpa.com/.
  1. Please mail one copy of your publication to Richard A Melancon, APAC, P.O. Box 8426 Metairie, LA 70011-8426
A group of people sitting at a table with papers.

Listen and Learn

Welcome to your library of business resources! These resources will help you and your company solve problems like reducing customer turnover, increasing profit margins, and making tough budget decisions. Check back often as they regularly post new resources. Want them to notify you of new resources? Sign up for email notification. (*This will link to your Mailchimp form)

When to Hire a Consultant (PDF)

Many of us face the same dilemma: We want to grow profit, but we’re not sure where to start.

¤ Do we increase the marketing budget ¤ Can we decrease the training budget ¤ Should we cut back on travel? Is it time to raise prices?

Any of these can be the “right” choice. But which one do we pick? Download When to Hire a Consultant to find out. Or, access the audio version here: When to Hire a Consultant (Right-click to download the file and listen offline)

Two men in suits sitting at a table with papers.
A group of people sitting around a table with papers.

Business Growth Plan (PDF)

We all know that growing your business is essential. At the very least, you have to bring in new customers to replace the ones that disappear from your roster. Consider some of the reasons for customer turnover:

¤ Ever fire a customer? ¤ How about customers who always demand special treatment and then complain about your high price? ¤ Did you have any customers closed their shop last year?

So, if you already have a plan to bring in replacement customers, then you can expand that plan to bring in additional customers. While that takes care of incremental sales increases, what are you doing about significant growth? Download our Business Growth Plan (PDF) to learn more.

Or, access the audio version here: Business Growth Plan (Right click to download the file and listen offline)


Newest Book: Integrity-Based Leadership: Improve your Business Strategy

  • Build a company that reflects your core values
  • Become an industry leader
  • Attract employees who enjoy working in your company– and want their friends to work with you as well.

Integrity-based Leadership shows you why a business built on Honesty, Transparency, Clarity, and High Ethical Values will propel you to the top of your industry. Buy this book today and arrive at work tomorrow excited and ready to grow your company.

Why buy this book?

  • Discover how to align your personal values with corporate goals.
  • Learn how Honesty, Clarity, Transparency, and High Ethical Values will propel your company to the top of your industry, out of reach from your competitors
  • Encourage staff to match your efforts in making your company an industry leader
  • Build a legacy that others will continue after you retire
Three books about the cpa profession
Two people sitting at a table looking at papers.

18 Secrets to Unlock Profits and Inspire Employees

On Amazon

This book of “Best Practices” can help you target the areas that you want to improve and keep the procedures that work well. Buy this book to help you focus on your business strategy and delegate operations to your staff through time-tested Best Practices.

Throughout the book, there are highlighted ideas to improve profit and to inspire employees to perform at their peak.

Your time is the most valuable asset that you have. Running your business is probably the most time-consuming activity of your life. Spend your time wisely to manage your business, and use effective tools to delegate staff responsibilities

Author’s First Published Book

You Can Afford the Good Life: Personal Money Management

  • Know anyone in crisis because they spend too much?
  • Employee theft comes from employees facing Bankruptcy.
  • Want relatives to stop borrowing money from you?
  • Give them the book instead of money – Solve the problem and give them something more valuable than a loan.
  • Stop employees whining about salary rates.
  • Show them why you are not responsible for their happiness.

Buy this book today to help anyone, at any age, on the Path to the Good Life.

This book is not about blame for how your money was spent, and it does not have a magic solution to create “new money.” The ideas are based on practical, sound, reasonable, and traditional solutions to manage your money. Use the concepts in this book to identify the important things in your life and build a path that will lead to The Good Life.

In this country, we have more resources, more options, more opportunities, and more ways to find satisfaction than any other country in the world. If you think money is your salvation, then this book will open an entirely new world to you and your family.
The path to the Good Life is a lifelong journey that begins today.

Why Buy This Book?

The book provides a step-by-step approach to:

  • Organize your income and expenses,
  • Understand how to stop spending more than we should, and
  • Focus on the important goals in life and get all that we truly want.

“You Can Afford the Good Life” covers the changing needs over the seven stages of life

  • Stage 1 - Childhood
  • Stage 2 - Teen years
  • Stage 3 - Early adulthood
  • Stage 4 - Pre-family adult years
  • Stage 5 - Family life
  • Stage 6 - Maturity
  • Stage 7 - Retirement

When you fail to control your money, others are in control of your happiness.

A book cover with an egg in front of it.